Friday, March 20

Yo yo yo yo yo, suka main yo-yo?
Hot dem! That was a good one, wasn't it? ;D

So........ How's your holidays going on? Mine was gooooooooooood and doing good! hehe. For today's post I'm just gonna post pictures and add with few captions.:)

Someday during school.

Wi-liam! For you! hehehe;D

Last Friday, if I'm not mistaken, we went to Big Food to celebrate Aril's SPM results. Hehehe. Saje saje jeee :))
Aril and Mom.

Apit: Eh Nina, amek gambar aku. Aku nak tgk badan aku..
Btw, he's not talking to me. You know why? Cause I didn't get him ice-cream so he is currently merajuk-ing with me. PFT Apit PFT! Bgtau Eka ;P

Today's conversation:
A situation that happened in the car while waiting for our turn to pay the electricity bills etc.
Eh, pejabat pos pon ade drive-in ke?
Ye lah.. Dah lame kot. Ko ingat McDonald's je ade drive thru?
EH! Asal aku cakap ngan kau. Huh! *Looks away*
Eeeeeee Apit! Takkan pasal ice cream ko macam ni!
Alaaa~ Apit, jangan laa! Ko nak aku buat ape?
Ntah, ko dah pandai pikir an? Ko pikir la sendrik.
Pape lah..

So, till now he doesn't wanna talk to me. ):


Had first cheer practice during the holidays.
Monday morning.

Akibat ber-coverline. HAHAHAHAH!
Aril knows why. heheheheheh :D Shh!

See Kak Wanie, Ibu doesn't look like she's sick pon. On the phone pulak tuh. Aih.
Oh well, Mom got discharged on Tuesday afternoon.

On Wednesday.
Out to Subang Parade with the girlfriend, Farah before she left for London!
Saddening.. Yet the day was fun! :)
Had lunch at Sakae Sushi and left the place, went for window shopping and dotdotdot. :D

EEEEEEEEEE! Chubby! hahahahah ;D

Oh my muffin! Come back here!
You won't have fun without me punyaaa! ;P

Our fooooood!
We updated each other, had a great time kan? Oh, priceless nyaaa!

My favorite part of my room.
My cicak together with my noticeboard :)
Belum full lagi.. Sabar lah!

M to the E to the G-A-T, yo! *eyebrows*
Jengjengjeng! Sorry, I just had to. he he he he ;D

Aww, cutie FarahBarah! hahahah :P

Ahha! On Thursday. On the way to school for cheer pract.
Saw this at the traffic light at Subang Parade. Bloody hell, it scared me.
If you see properly kan, yes it's a cat and the body is like twisted.. The legs are facing right hand side but the face is facing the other side. Then, when I looked at the eyes, they popped out. Ah hot dem! Euwness.


Today's. Dyou get this picture?
Look at the difference. Our side and the other side's weather.. Cool, no? ;D

Alrighty, that's all for today's update! Have cheer pract tomorrow. Better go now. :S Tata. Take care readers! Oh, almost forgot.. Happy 16th Birthday, Mohd Arif! Have fun yo! One day, we gotta foos maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! ;P

Our crocos and jibbitz. Hahah.
Love, Nina. :))

P/S: Score! Green light? That's right! ;)

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