Sunday, August 24

A Walk to Rememberness. :'))


Hey Carter. So I see you after school?
In your dreams..
Later, after school at Jamie's...
Come on, Jamie.. Open the door, please!
What do you want?
You're not in a good mood.
You don't miss a thing.
Listen Jamie.. I hope we could run lines together.
Okay, but just not so anybody knows right? *smiles*
Well, I just figured we could surprise everyone..
Like we could be secret friends?
Exactly, it's like you're reading my mind.
Great, um, maybe you could read mine. *serious look*
Jamie.. Jamie, I can't just be your friend!
Landon, look..I thought I saw something in you.. Something good. But I was very wrong.
*door closes*

Jamie, I'm trying here okay. Maybe, maybe I miss spending time with you. Maybe you inspire me..
Sounds like bull
Which part?
All of it.
Well, it's not.
Prove it.

It's like the wind.. I can't see it, but I feel it..
What do you feel?
Feel wonder and beauty, joy, love..

Haha. :D Don't blame me putting this up. The movie's just too nice. HAHA!
Well, there's more. I just don't wanna be the party pooper. Lol. Go watch lah okay! I'll give it a 10/10! ;) Serious..

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