Tuesday, July 29

Pictures and few captions.

Last week's photos..

Lala please! WAHAHAH!!

He sed, I'm IRONMAN!!

This was the manila cards fight I was talking about.

Stoopit looking Nigel. HAHA!

Ahh, nice shot eh?

2nd time he broke his specs! Pfft.

This is why I called him Dr Shankar. ;)

Today's pictures!

Its always the three of us. :))

I like this picture! Likky looked like crazy frog or something like that. Hehe.

WeeHee! Taken by, yours truly. Lol.

ehem, spot the yellow bag..

First picture with ze Prasad Shankar!

No, it wasn't in my nose. Haha..

Hug-able bag eh Prasad? :D

Oh this is cool!! *Note: Look at Prasad's body movement..





Another one! Gary pushed us, I kena squeezed! :S






The end. *Just realized we took three for the LAST picture. BAHA!

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