Monday, February 22

Trip to Doha and Dubai was FUUUNNN! :D
Will elaborate more asap! (:


the Crafter said...

pics plzzz....?? :(

rinduu korang....... :( :(

Ninaberry said...

Aloolololooo~ saye pon rindu awak. Hmm. How's it going there? Good? Best tak rumah? Hehe

the Crafter said...

well, okie je la.. trying to adapt la.. its not that hard coz.. da penah dok perak dulu kan.. but still, i want maklong's cooking!! n my BEDD!!.. hahahaha

haaaa.. nnt iya amik gmbr pastu kasik kt maklong then pass kt korang.. k?


Ninaberry said...

oh yaa hooorr! true true true!

haa, okay okay! cantik.. tapi sayang ah kamu tak de facebook! >:(